T-Rex Game 应用

獵人幻想團 1.0.3
T-Rex Game
2016十大最受期待移植手遊之一,火熱來襲!3D回合制RPG手遊移植大作《獵人幻想團》正式上線!經典TV遊戲移動版續作——人物魔物共同上陣,精靈必殺保駕護航,多種副本豐富選擇,兼顧懷舊不忘創新!拒絕炒冷飯,打造匠心品質移植大作!【遊戲特色】「高端引擎匠心打造 視網膜級視覺盛宴」《獵人幻想團》繼承了主機版本優秀的系統設定,並將最新的手遊引擎技術加入到遊戲開發中,打造出視網膜級精美畫面的回合制手遊,讓玩家在手機上也能找到當年的那份感動。「全時3D畫面重置 炫酷技能肆意施放」《獵人幻想團》將主機版本中的全部人物魔物形象進行了重置,角色的每一次出招都高度還原了原作的動作精髓。此外本作還新加入了酷炫的技能特效,讓大家在回味經典的同時也能有耳目一新的體驗!「戰寵騎寵共同上陣 屬性相克自由玩轉」《獵人幻想團》中玩家需要培養自己的魔物戰隊,每個玩家最多可以同時攜帶5只戰鬥用魔物來協助自己戰勝各種各樣的難關。同時,玩家還需要培養自己的騎乘用魔物。除去酷炫的外觀效果外,在戰鬥中,騎乘用魔物也會成為玩家的強大助力!不同魔物的組合搭配可以演變出各種不同的戰略和戰術,千變萬化,為勝不變!「多人組隊巔峰對決 即時競技團戰至上」《獵人幻想團》引入了時下流行的競技戰鬥模式,進一步增進了玩家間的互動較量。另外還有多人組隊副本,以及即將開放的獵團戰等深度交互玩法,玩家之間相互配合、神級戰寵鼎力相助,流暢操作貫穿始終,讓戰鬥充滿樂趣,團戰永不停歇!「多種副本多重挑戰 智慧操作的完美並存」《獵人幻想團》在主機版本原有的基礎上,加入了多種副本的設定使得遊戲的玩法更加豐富,例如:精英副本會提高魔物屬性以提高難度供大家挑戰,玩家需要使用不同的魔物陣型克制魔物屬性以提高戰鬥效率,取得戰鬥勝利。副本中還會隨機觸發魔物來襲,讓大家有機會挑戰並且抓到遊戲中難以獲得的極品魔物!「強大獵團自由約戰 巔峰博弈等你來戰」《獵人幻想團》除了保留主機版本原有的獵團族設定之外,更引入了獵團戰系統,給每個玩家一個展現自己實力的舞臺!來吧獵人們!是時候了!讓獵人大陸的人們見證你強大的實力吧!2016 top tenmostanticipated tour one hand transplant, struck hot!3D turn-based RPG hand tour transplant masterpiece "Hunterfantasygroup" formally launched! Mobile version of the classic TVgamesequel - Monster characters together into battle, slay elfescort,multiple copies of abundant choice, both nostalgicforgetinnovation! Reject the same old stuff, build quality andingenuitytransplant masterpiece![Game Features]"High-level engine ingenuity to create retinal visual feast.""Hunter fantasy group" has inherited the host version oftheexcellent system settings, and new mobile game enginetechnologyinto game development, to create a turn-grade fine handtravelretina screen, allowing the player can also be found on thephoneof the year share of moving."Full-time 3D graphics cool skill reset cast wanton""Hunter fantasy group" host version of all the charactersmonsterimage was reset every character moves are highly reducedtheessence of the original action. In addition, this also addednewcool special effects skills, so that everyone in therecollectionof the classic at the same time can have arefreshingexperience!"Combat pet pet ride together to battle the attributes ofgramsFreedom Fun""Hunter fantasy group" in which players need to develop theirownmonster team, each player can carry a maximum of five fightingwithMonster to help themselves to overcome all kinds ofdifficulties.At the same time, players also need to develop theirown ridingwith Monster. Remove cool appearance, but in the battle,playerswill become the Monster ride with a powerful boost! Mix andmatchdifferent monster can evolve a variety of different strategiesandtactics, ever-changing, unchanged for the win!"Competitive multiplayer team match-ups for real battlegroupfirst '"Hunter fantasy group" to introduce the popular athletic battlemodeto further enhance the interaction between players contest.Thereare also more than a copy of the team, and is about to openthehunting group warfare depth interactive play, mutualcooperationbetween the players, the level of God combat pet help,smoothoperation throughout, so that the fighting fun, team battlesneverstop!"Perfect multiple copies of the wisdom of the operation ofthemultiple challenges coexist.""Hunter fantasy group" in the host based on the originalversion,adding a variety of copy settings to make the game playmoreabundant, such as: a copy of the elite monster attributeswillincrease to increase the difficulty of the challenge foreveryone,players need to use a different formation to exerciserestraintMonster Monster fighting properties to improve efficiencyandachieve victory in battle. Copy will randomly triggeredmonsterstruck, so that we have the opportunity and the challenge tocatchthe best game Nanyihuode Monster!"Powerful free hunting group gathers pinnacle game waitingforyou to fight.""Hunter fantasy group" in addition to retain the original versionofthe host family hunting group setting, the more the introductionofthe hunting group warfare system, giving each player a stage toshowtheir strength!Come hunters! it's time! Hunters mainland people to witnessyourgreat strength it!